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(Job interview in English)


錄取與否的關鍵因素。口說英語是我們在工作上及學習上最難突破的關卡,EMTC 的課程讓你對面試英語建立自信心,不再害怕說英語,輕鬆愉快應付英文面試,獲取心目中最理想的工作。



1. 英文履歷格式
2. 英文履歷撰寫技巧
3. 如何撰寫英文自傳
4. 中英文履歷的差異


  • 職場新鮮人求職

  • 欲應徵外商職位者

  • 研究生考試

  • 職場有特定目的需求的人士


事前的準備絕對是必要的。你一定要知道什麼是你想要的以及你擁有什麼條件。最容易被預期的一個問題就是”對於間公司你了解多少?” 這是個可以提醒自己想清楚和讓面試者知道你不是只是在找一份工作,你希望為他們工作。所以我的建議是要辛勤地準備好這些。大部分的問題是具有靈活行動性的。他們不會問你更多關於你如做那份工作,但是給我一個你曾經處理過危機的例子,你如何處理它。所以準備好這些問題的答案。很多人會思考問題本身的答案,但事實上他們沒為言語表達做練習,然而其實我們非常需要練習如何表述答案。當你在回答問題時,你需要注意到這三件事 : 1.你要回答到的問題。2.你要舉個例子讓他們對你的答案更印象深刻。3然後你需要讓他們知道為何你的答案對他們及這份工作很重要。因為坦白說,面試你的人常不是做最後決定要僱用你的人或是他們可能轉而向作這個決定的人推薦你。


Job interviews are cruel experiences for public speaking skills and questions and answering skills and many of the things that apply to effective Q&A and effective public speaking apply in the job interview.
Mostly, we go to school and we learn the skill of whatever it is we’re going to do.  But, we’re very rarely taught how to get that job to do what we want to do. You have to sell yourself. There are some tips that think are very important for you to consider before you go into a job interview.
Absolute preparation is key. You really need to understand what it is you’re up for and know your material. The single best predictor question in job interviews is this, “What do you know about this company?” It’s the proxy for conscientiousness and it shows the interviewer that you’re not just trying to find a job, you want to work for them. So my best advice is doing your due diligence.
Many of the questions are going to be behavioral. They’re not going to ask you so much about what did you do at this job, but give me an example when you had a crisis, how did you manage it. So be prepared to answer those questions.
When you answer questions you wanna do three key things. 1.You wanna answer the question asked. 2. You wanna give an example so people remember the answer. 3.And you wanna tell them why your answer is important for them and for the job. Because quite frankly, the person interviewing you is often not the person who gets the final decision on if you’re hired or not so they have to turn around and sell you to whoever it is who makes the final decision.
If you have a kind of messy past , don’t apologize and don’t lie because in this modern age they can find out about you in a second. If you’ve had to quit your last job or you were fired at your last job, be prepared to talk about values. For example, if you were fired from the job, you can’t say ” well the boss was an idiot” but you can say that perhaps you had a value clash with your boss.  



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