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(Business English)


全球化已是必然趨勢,英文是最廣泛使用的國際語言,提升英文商用書信寫作能力,更是邁向國際化重要基礎。書信寫作的目的,就是有效傳達訊息給對方。得體的商業寫作技巧非常重要,如果能正確無誤地溝通,清楚表達自己的想法,必能大幅增進效率及生產力。EMTC 課程讓你擁有書寫英文商業書信的溝通技巧與能力,協助你輕鬆完成高效率的英文商業書信寫作。




  • 經常使用英文書信溝通者

  • 欲學好英文及培養第二專人士

  • 計畫出國留學或移民者

  • 從事相關職務者

  • 對本課程有興趣者

商用英文有別於一般英文,係指常用於商業界的英文。對於從事商業的人,正確地寫出商用英文是很重要的一件事,商業寫作應該是要很清楚、簡潔且正式的表達。所以我們該怎麼做到呢? 這邊有一些正確訣竅可以幫助你正確地寫出來.

第一件你需要記下來的事就是 : 避免開玩笑或是詞不達意。當你在用很正式的方式寫作的時候,你寫給你的同事、老闆或客戶,請不要開玩笑或是詞不達意。你可以和你的朋友或著家人如此,但當你要使用正式的書信什,絕對不能當作玩笑話。「Cliche」就像是陳詞腔濫對我們來說是完全沒有意義的,所以不要再使用「Cliche」。

第二點你必須放在心上的是 : 抑制你的熱情。這個訣竅對那些誇張的人是很棒的。當我們遇到商業寫作時,我們需要收斂一點。你不能加入太多驚嘆號,也不要加表情符號。這樣看起來很不專業,所以你一定要克制你的情緒。當你寫完信在做收尾的時候,寫上一些不雅的詞句或笑臉, 你可以寫上「yours faithfully」或是「best regards」。


第三點,避免被動的書信。係指你必須要寫的非常積極。舉例來說,「你會收到公司負責人給你的指示」,這個就是被動的書信。你必須直接而且清楚的,這樣人家才可以很快地之了解。所以你句子的架構應該是 : 「主題」加上「動詞」還有後面跟著的「受詞」。所以這就是主動的寫作方式。不要進入被動的寫作方式,這種資訊對任何人都沒有意義,你只是在誇大資訊而已。所以你不必這樣做,下一個注意的地方是 : 保持檢查文法或者拼音的錯誤。是的,我們屬於社交世界裡的人,我們很喜歡用Facebook 還有twitter, 我們的文法和拼字慢慢地已經沒有限制了。當你在寫作的時候,我們試著縮短大部份的字,使用不少Lol和Omg。這樣看起來很不專業,當你在做簡報或是當你在寫商業記得要檢查拼音。

最後一 點,就是不要使用俚語或是攻擊性字眼,這會看起來非常不專業,很可能造成負面效果。



Now many a time we listen to people who belong to corporate world, it’s very important for them to write intelligently. Business writing should be clear, should be concise and should be formal. So how do we do that? There are certain tips that I have for you that would help you to write intelligently.

The very first thing that you need to keep in mind is that you need to avoid jokes and cliché. When you are writing formal manner. You are writing to your colleagues, you’re writing to your lcinets; please do not add jokes or cliché. Its okay when you’re writing to your friends and family, but when it comes to formal writing,,but when it comes to formal writing, that’s a complete no no. So no Jokes, no cliché. Cliché like think out of the box or move the needle. These phrases have been used several times and it makes no sense to people anymore, so do not use cliché.

The second point that you need to keep in mind is curb your enthusiasm. This

tip is perfect for the people who are over enthusiastic. So we need to curb our enthusiasm when it comes. You cannot add too many exclamation marks, Also donot add sileys. It doesn’t look professional, so you need to curb your enthusiasm. When you are ending your business email, rather than writing lots of love, you need to write yours faithfully or best regards.

The third point, avoid passive writing. It definitely means that you need to write actively. For example, the instructions will be given to you by the director of the company, now that’s passive. You need to be direct and clear, so that people can read quickly. So the structure of your sentence should be the subject plus the verb and then followed by the object. So that’s active writing. Don’t get into passive writing, it just doesn’t make sense for no reason ,your are just exaggerating the material. So you don’t have to do that.

The next point , keep a check on grammar and spelling errors. Yes we belong to the social world, we are so much into Facebooking and so much on twitter that our spellings and our grammar has totally gone away. We try to contract most of the words and at times we use Lol’s and Omg’s. Do not use that when it comes to business writing. It doesn’t look professional. Please do a spell check and grammar check when you ar doing a presentation or when you’re writing business emails.  

And then the last point that I really need to tell you guys is that, do not use slang terms or offensive words.


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