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(How to write an English Resume)



1. 英文履歷格式
2. 英文履歷撰寫技巧
3. 如何撰寫英文自傳
4. 中英文履歷的差異


  • 社會新鮮人求職

  • 欲應徵外商公司職位

  • 其他需要使用英文履歷的人士

如何寫英文履歷,恩美商用英文教你撰寫英文履歷的方式與技巧。在履歷的最上方,你要寫標頭,要包含你所有的基本資料。你應該列出你的姓名、電話、e-mail 和住址。排版可以依照個人喜好,但要記得顯得突出、專業。順便提一下,在英美國家,履歷表通常不附照片。在標頭底下,你可以加上列重點的部分,這個段落通常稱為履歷概要、資歷摘要或專長。這個部分應該是你的技能、專長、主要資歷的概要。應該讓公司知道你能帶來什麼。比方說,你之前做銷售,你可以寫完整的句子、或列點,但要精簡,幾行就夠了。

下一個段落是工作經歷或專業經歷。 在此段落你應該要用倒序方式列出你的工作經驗,所以應該先列出最近的工作,然後再依序以倒敘的方式列出,列出的所
在這些資訊,應該稍微列出你在那個崗位上做了什麼。所有點都應該以動詞開頭,而且應該著重特定職責。最好也能以量化的方式列出成果。你可以列出你的成果的數據。記住,因為所有列點以動詞開頭,它們因此不會是完整的句子。不需要加主詞,所以不要寫「我」。而且要記得使用正確的時態。如果是你現職還有在做的工作,用現在式。過去的工作用過去式。你也應該留意你使用的動詞。使用有力量的動詞代替簡單、無趣的動詞。比方說,與其用made, 不如用developed,與其用did,不如用executed. 使用這些有力量的動詞會加強你的履歷。

At the very top of your resume, you'll  need  a  header  that  includes  all of  your  basic  information.You should include your name, phone number, email, and address.
You can format this however you like, but remember that it should stand out and look professional. And just a side note, in North America and the UK, photos are not usually included on resumes.
Below your header you can add a section that highlights key points from your resume.This section is often titled“Professional Profile,” “Summary of Qualifications,”or “Highlights.” This part should be a brief summary of your skills, strengths, and key experiences. It should show companies what you have to offer. 
You can write this in sentences or bullet points, but keep it short. A few lines should be enough.The next section is work experience, or professional experience. In this section, you should list the jobs that you’ve had in reverse chronological order. So your most recent job should come first, and then you should work your way back in time from there. For each job you should include your job title, the company’s name and location, and the dates that worked there. Under that, you should write a few bullet points that explain what you did at that job. Each bullet point should start with an action verb, and should focus on specific job duties. 
Also try to include some measurable results. For example, if you worked in sales, you could write the actual amount of sales that you made. Remember, since each bullet point starts with a verb, they won’t be complete sentences. There is no need for a subject, so don’t use“I”in them. And remember to use the right tense for each verb.
For tasks that you still do in your present job, use the present tense. For past jobs, use past tense. You should also be careful about which verbs you use. Instead of using very simple or boring verbs, use power verbs. For example, rather than using “made”, use “developed”, or, instead of using “did”, use “executed”. Using power verbs like these will strengthen your resume.



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